Monday, October 21, 2013

Old to New 2: Lalades, Irreverent Magpie

Welcome to Tierrine!

Let's face it Lalades (said La-Lay-Deez) needed some additional spunk for her character profile seeing as how her home town Revol is pretty much a town of rebels (mostly without a cause).  Plus she's an irreverent, hilarious personality in her own right.

(BTW since I haven't posted any excerpts from her story line yet, Lalades shocks her family by running away to join the Circus with a bunch of unwinged common folk!  Her parents had never been so horrified and yet so proud.  I should hopefully post from this story sometime in this next week so check back!)

And, as promised, a dramatic demonstration of the benefits of using high quality art materials.  The old picture was done using Crayola colored pencils, the new with Copic markers and Prismacolor colored pencils.

Again, a fairly straightforward Update to the picture (I write this now because there will come those later that are not so straightforward and obvious), same basic design, added a bit of embellishment, and a whole lot of attitude.

To be fair to Crayola - and I did love my Crayola colored pencils - the picture on the left was fairly old when I finally started scanning my pictures into my computer so it could have faded some with age.

Also, for those starting out in colored pencils, Crayola is a inexpensive and fair pencil with which to learn, an excellent first choice - far superior to Roseart or any generic brands I've used.  I worked with Crayola for years before finally upgrading.  (I won't even tell you how long I drooled over the Prismacolor before finally plunking down the $100+ dollars to buy them, but I will say it measures in years.)

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